Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve had to listen back to your voice on camera, and you really didn’t like the sound? Or maybe you’re just listening to your voicemail, and trying to set it up, and you’re thinking, “God, do I really sound like that? Is that my voice?”

Well if that’s you, I can tell you that I’m here to help. Because this is exactly what I do with my students. I help them improve the sound of your voice. And in this video, I’m going to share three tips with you today about how to improve the ascetic speaking quality of your voice.

Hi, I’m Elisa James. I’m a voice mastery mentor, and I help business owners and entrepreneurs find their best voice for global business and public speaking.

So, tip number one is analyze, and yes that means you’re going to have to record your voice and listen to it back. All you have to do is simply write down a bunch of descriptive words. So when you’re listening to your voice back on the audio, on the video I want you to write down the following words. The things that you hear in your own voice. Is it too weak? Is it dark? Is it light? Is it too high? Is it too low? Is it throaty and back placed? Does it sound squeezed or forced? Or is it squeaky? Is it annoying? Is it sharp sounding? Or is it too soft and too airy? There’s going to be something about your voice that you don’t like. And there’s going to be something about your voice that other people probably don’t like either. So I want you to maybe ask three friends, business colleagues to also write down their descriptives of your voice. That’s step number one.

Step number two, this is play with the opposite. So for instance, if you heard in your descriptive analysis, that your voice was too high pitched, try the opposite. Try a much lower pitch. If you felt that your voice was too tight sounding, and you were squeezing your sound, I want you to go the other way and make it more open sounding. So try a complete opposite approach of what you currently hear. Another one that I hear a lot of the time is sometimes they speak a bit nasal. And so it sounds a little bit too much in the nose. And if your sound is in the nose, it’s going to make you sound like you’re a little bit overly posh, or you’re not interested in what the other person is saying. So you’re going to want to make the sound more oral. So listen back, write your descriptives, and then I want you to try the exact opposite of what you hear. You’ll be able to figure it out if you listen really well.

Number three, now this is a really important one, and it’s something a lot of people do not think about when they’re speaking. And that’s air flow causes the magic in the sound. This is what I mean. If I stop the airflow completely with my voice, or try to really hold it back, you’ll notice that I get a really squeezed sound. And if I’m trying to speak or sing from this placement, and believe me, I’ve heard this a lot in my students when they first come to me, there is literally no airflow. It’s not flowing. The more airflow we have, the more relaxed and ascetically pleasing our voice is. That takes a little bit of time and practice, but anyone can learn good, balanced airflow. Anyone, guaranteed.

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