There are some vocal sounds that totally give people the wrong impression about you, and apart from that, they can be super annoying.
Yep, it’s a very common sound that people call: a nasally voice. So, if you have ever been told you have a nasal sound or a nasally voice, then this blog is for you.
I will be sharing with you the reasons why people sound nasally when they speak and help you fix it in just a few easy steps.
So, whether you sound nasal due to an actual breathing issue or you sound nasal due to learning bad habits from the people around you… Don’t despair because there are ways to fix this issue.
Today We are going to look at three things around nasality:
What causes it, how health affects our sound and exercises to correct an overly nasal sound.
1. Health Issues that affect the way we sound,
2. Muscle Habits that can be adjusted,
3. Exercises to correct a nasal tone.
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Today, we are going to look at three things around nasality:
- Health Issues that affect the way we sound
- Muscle Habits that can be adjusted
- Exercises to correct a nasal tone.
First of all, let’s find out whether your problem is actually a health problem or a vocal habit.
1. Health Issues .
If you have a deviated septum, it means the bridge in the middle of the nose is crooked and blocking one of the nasal passages. When you have this issue, you can sound blocked up more than normal. This can be corrected by surgery but it may not work for some people. I actually had this issue and had horrendous surgery to correct it, but unfortunately the surgery didn’t help me breathe better at all! So, I ended up fixing my breathing issue holistically.
Other problems affecting breathing include: allergy, asthma and sinus issues. This can be a huge problem for some people. The best thing you can do for your body and your voice is to balance your health as much as you can so your immune system can heal the issues naturally.
As someone who suffered from these very problems for much of my life, I can tell you there is a way to fix them because I did and I know you can too but that is for another video. If you are interested in that, please comment below and I will shoot a video showing you exactly how I fixed these issues myself using natural remedies.
2. Bad Muscle Habits
Here is a quick Nasality Test to see if you are using your nasal cavity unnecessarily when you speak.
A Nasal sound is caused very simply from allowing the air to flow into the nose for sounds that are meant to be ORAL, not nasal. Let me give you an example. An AH vowel is an oral sound NOT a nasal sound. The only 3 sounds in the English language that are MEANT to use the nasal passage for airflow and vibration are these: M… N… and NG. The rest of the sounds are oral.
So, let’s do a little test and see where you are going wrong. Place your hands gently on your nose, don’t block it, and hum a “MMMMMMMM” sound. Do you feel the air flowing into the nasal cavity and making your nose vibrate? YES, because an M is a nasal sound…
Now, let’s add an “AH” sound to the end of the “MMMMMMMM” sound. If you are doing that correctly, you will feel the vibration in the nose for the “M” sound ONLY, then the vibration will disappear on the open vowel “AH” sound. That is, if you are doing it correctly.
Now, if you think you feel and sound nasally all the way through both sounds, let’s fix that now.
3. Exercises to Correct a Nasally Sound
Step 1: Place your hands on your nose to check the vibration.
Step 2: Vocalize the sound “NG”. Now feel the vibration in the nose, then quickly open the jaw and dip the tongue down into an “AH” sound and place an “H” at the front of the vowel like this:
The first sound is NG. The 2nd sound is HAH. Now, we are blowing air out of the mouth on purpose on the vowel to make sure it’s an oral sound. You can even hold your nose closed completely when you’re making the vowel so you cannot use the nose at all. Let’s try it a few times together.
By now you should have more conscious control over whether the airflow is coming out of the mouth OR coming out of the nose. Remember Awareness is the first step towards change!
Now that you have more awareness, you can start to read out loud and practice speaking with airflow coming out of the cavity that is meant to come out of. Vowel sounds are ORAL and most of our sounds in the English language are ORAL.
Now you know that there are 3 sounds only that are meant to vibrate in the nose – M, N and NG.
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