In this video, learn the three best ways to cure your fear of public speaking so that you can speak up with a voice of confidence and ease on camera anytime you need.



  •  Learn how to reframe your nerves so you can get over them faster!
  •  The 3 Little words that I advise you to NEVER say to yourself.
  •  The #1 thing you need to know to cure your fear of public speaking.
  •   Learn the two most important elements to public speaking: Inspire and Entertain!
  •   What’s the #1 thing you want to leave with your audience…



1.  Aiming to become the best presenter or public speaker? Let Elisa show you the way… Click HERE to know more.

2.   Want to gain more respect and authority in work & business? Then join our upcoming masterclass.



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In this video, I’ll be showing the three best ways to cure your fear of public speaking so that you can speak up with a voice of confidence and ease on camera and to grow your business faster with video.

You know, as a performer with over 30 years of experience and multiple degrees in voice production and holistic health, I know firsthand the powerful impact that your voice in communication style can actually have on your life. In fact, the quality of your communication is directly related to your happiness and your fulfillment. So today, I’d like to help you get over the number one fear that holds business owners back from growing their business… that is… avoiding the camera.

Since the fear of public speaking, otherwise known as Glossophobia, is such a big issue for so many of my aspiring speaker clients. In this video, I’ll be sharing the three tips, my 3 best tips to cure that pesky problem for good.


TIP #1: Re-frame and change the game..

This tip is one of the most important things that I ever learned in my 30-plus year career as a singer and an actor because I used to suffer from really bad nerves and stage fright every single time I was on stage, or at an audition or on camera.

It drove me crazy. Until one day, when I was on a cruise ship and I was doing my show and feeling nervous as normal, and then I met this wonderful comedian called Marty. Marty was a lot older than me and really calm, really funny and really engaging on stage . He also NEVER looked or felt nervous.  He never experienced nerves. I thought that was amazing because I was one of the most nervy performers that I’d ever met. Not that it stopped me, mind you, but it was really annoying because I just wanted to enjoy myself on stage and to be shaking less!

So, here’s what he told me: he sat me down and I said to him I really need to get over this nerve thing it’s driving me insane what can I do?

He said, “look I’ve been doing this for a long time and I’ve got three words for you and I want you to write it down and they’re really really important and they’re going to change your life”.

I got really excited. Finally, he was going to cure me of my nerves!

I got out a notepad and pen from my bag. I sat there in the booth in the cafe on the cruise ship getting ready to write these three words that were going to change my life and then he said very slowly…..

“GET………OVER……… IT……

” Get over it?! That’s it?! Get over it?! Oh!!! I was so frustrated and angry with him at the time, I didn’t know what to do because that was not the answer that I was looking for.

However, I did find the solution not long afterwards.  It was something somebody else said to me that really started to shift my nerves for good.

It was this: “The audience is not against you. They are for you. F. O. R.”

The audience is FOR you. Whether it’s on camera or whether it’s on stage, you know it doesn’t really matter because when you’re standing in front of an audience, the audience wants to be uplifted, inspired, engaged, entertained, that’s what they want. They’re paying for a ticket to see you perform or speak and they expect to get value out of it. So, they’re absolutely FOR you 100% .They don’t want to be let down or  be embarrassed by you freaking out or not being able to speak coherently. They want you to succeed. They want you to entertain them. They want you to have fun. So, why not just let go and do that..

Here’s another thing that I learned from all those years onstage.

It’s not about you.

This is so true for anyone who suffers from nerves, from public speaking, singing or acting.

You’ve got to realize that when you’re on stage or when you’re on camera, it’s not about you…. that’s IF, you’re doing your job correctly.

It’s about the audience and the journey that YOU  are taking them on. The journey that they’re going through in their mind, in their body, and their hearts, in their souls when they hear you perform or speak. For instance, have you ever listened to a singer  and as you are listening to the words  you get warm and fuzzy all over?  The hairs on your arms or on the back of your neck start to stand up and you get goosebumps because you’re feeling something? You’re IN the song. You’re IN the story. You’re feeling that vibration from the beautiful music that’s coming out of that person’s mouth or from the orchestra. It’s not about the performer! It’s not about the speaker. It’s about the listener. If you can tell a story well,  the audience is visualizing  and feeling that story with you!

You’re not there for you. You’re not there to show off. You’re there to make a difference.

Learning these simple tools was a complete game-changer for me. I was at a point in my career where I almost stopped singing because it was simply too stressful. This was after years and years of performing for a living……I almost gave up because of the stress.

When I learned these skills, it was suddenly, more of a joy.

It was a joy for me to speak.

It was a joy for me to sing.

It was a joy for me to act because when I did, I saw the transformation in the audience, not in me, in my audience. I saw the smiles on people’s faces. I saw their faces light up.  I knew I had made an impact.

So, reframe and change the game. 


TIP #2: What’s the #1 Thing?

This is another really really simple tip that makes a huge difference.

When you’re onstage as a speaker, what’s the one thing that you want to leave your audience? It’s an intention that you set at the beginning of your speech so make sure that you get to the end of the speech knowing that you’ve shifted something in somebody’s mind.

If you want them to be inspired, to go and do something, make sure that that intention is set, before you walk on the stage.

Make sure you know your intention, so  when you walk off that stage you know that a large portion of that audience are going to change their life because of something you said. They’re going to take action.  They’re going to go and achieve something that they couldn’t have achieved without your help.

So, what’s the one thing that you would like to leave behind when you walk off that stage?

Write it down. What’s your intention behind every single video or every single stage performance that you do?

So for instance, my intention for this video and blog is to help as many people as I can to get over their nerves so they can get in front of a camera faster.


Because if you can get in front of a camera, you can grow your business. Not only are you facing your fears and you’re feeling better about yourself, but you can also  learn new skills and share your message with a greater audience.

So what’s your intention behind every single time you walk on stage or stand in front of the camera?


TIP #3: Grounding the Breath

As a holistic voice coach, I teach a lot of biomechanics around the voice, especially the psychology behind the sound and the way that the breath functions.

This is the most important thing that you can learn if you are suffering from stage fright and anxiety when you’re in front of a camera or on stage.  It’s a simple exercise to make sure that you feel stronger and more grounded when you’re performing or speaking so that your breath can function properly and keep you calm.

Think about what happens to us when we’re actually nervous and anxious…

If we track the physiological symptoms of nerves, we’ll notice how our heart beats really fast. Sometimes you start to shake. I remember as a young child when I was in baton twirling competitions or piano playing competitions, my hands would shake and sweat so much it was really hard to throw my baton up and catch it again. It would literally slide out of my hands. I was that nervous.

What are the other symptoms that you actually experience? Think about it.

For me, it was shaking and the heart was beating so fast it felt like I was going to die because it was going to thump right out of my chest. Then I’d find that my stomach would be really really tight, I would have tension all over, and my legs might be shaking as well.

There was no grounding going on because I was fully in fight-or-flight.

You cannot control your voice or your mind or your speaking function when you’re  in fight-or-flight.

So, here’s a really quick way to ground the breath and stabilize those nerves:

1. Stand up super tall.

As soon as we feel anxious, we usually do this: start to hunch and we start to contract inwards and hold the breath.

It’s the worst thing you can do.

You cannot think properly when you’re holding the breath. Everything is too tight.

So stand up straight and relax that tummy. 

2.  Wriggle your toes.

Literally wriggle your toes. Nobody will see it. I’m doing it right now.

When you wriggle your toes, your body and brain is now focusing on the toes instead of the heart. This brings the blood and oxygen to the periphery of the body.

When we go into fight or flight or freeze, the muscles are being primed for action. They’re being primed so we can actually fight a dinosaur or run away from danger. 

However what happens these days is because most things are only a perceived danger, not an actual danger, we actually go into freeze which is never going to be helpful.

So, the quickest way to disarm the nervous system is to stand up tall and wriggle your toes. Once you do that, you will notice that you can now breathe more effectively.

When you can breathe better from your diaphragm and bring air into the lowest part of the lungs you can think and speak more calmly. 

When your voice can ride on a really strong powerful stream of air, it sounds strong and confident and stable and a voice that sounds strong and stable, is more confident and sounds like the voice of authority.

If you found those tips helpful today, please comment below with how the fear of public speaking has affected your life what is it that you experience when you feel that fear.

Feel free to drop a comment below and tell me the biggest voice issue that you’re struggling with and I would love to shoot a video just for you.