Health Date with Hermis – Live with Elisa James Holistic Vocal Coach.
Todays topic – Combatting sinus and allergies for speakers, singers and actors.
Do you have sinus trouble, headaches or allergies that simply continue to invade your face and make your life miserable???
Then this is a MUST WATCH for you. After years of struggling with these issues and sick to death of taking drugs – these are wonderful healthy alternatives to help your body heal naturally. Please share if you know someone that this can help. Comment below with any questions or if you have something you want me to do a video about. Fridays – Health Date with Hermis
#healthandwellness #sinusproblems #sinusheadache #holistichealth #voicetipsforspeakers healthtipsforspeakers #healthtipsforsingers #healthtipsforactors
#Jobrand #BrandUnited #Brandyourvoiceworkshop