VIDEO 4: The Perfect Pitch
In the last video of this series, I take you through the single most important element that many people get wrong in public speaking. Doing this incorrectly may lead to voice loss, throat pain and fatigue. It’s amazing how powerful one simple change can make to your public speaking. I hear from my students all the time, that they are blown away by the simple, effective tools and techniques I teach. By watching this video, you will be SO far ahead of the game, as most people have NO idea!
Discover Your Own
‘Voice of Confidence’
Public Speaker Training for ESL Students
Expert Voice & Performance Coach
Elisa James M.Mus., T.h.M., has worked with everyone from Tony Robbins speakers, to business trainers, DJ’s, Celebrities, Actors, Singers, and Influencers…
And now reveals the vocal secrets you need to Sound Confident, Intelligent, and Convincing as a speaker!
(Whether English is your second language OR your first!)
- Do you need to speak English with more fluency?
- Do you need to learn better articulation for clear speech?
- Are you looking for an English speaking-job in a big corporation?
- Do you hate the way your voice sounds on your own voicemail?
- Are you tired of people making assumptions about you simply because of the way you speak?
- Do you want to speak with more confidence, clarity, and conviction on the video to promote your business?
- Or…. Do you need to sound more like a confident leader at work so you can get the promotion you deserve?
If you are answered YES to even one of the above, you are not alone.

Many people don’t like the sound of their own voice for many different reasons, it could be because of a thick regional accent, or something else… yet most people do nothing about it to improve it. Instead, they let the current sound of their voice, their speech patterns, lack of prosody or weak vocal tone negatively impact both their professional and personal lives.
By simply doing nothing to change the way you speak…. may cause you to lose that promotion, or if you are in business, lose a very important sale.
The truth is, your voice can greatly impact your life and business and can dictate what sort of impression you give to others.
Let me ask you this:
Do you ever feel like your talent and skill are under-estimated at work?
Do people have difficulty understanding you?
Do you feel that work colleagues dismiss your ideas or don’t take you seriously?
Do you feel sometimes, you don’t have a voice… At home or at work?
Do you find that people don’t listen when you speak? ….
Well, the reason could very well be your voice and vocal patterns of speech.
A balanced beautiful-sounding voice with fluency in English makes you sound confident, capable, and authoritative. The wrong tone of voice makes you sound weak, insecure and lacking in leadership skills.
Nobody wants to go through life feeling weak, unappreciated and ignored … Nobody wants to be constantly misjudged or passed over for promotion just because of their cultural accent, tone of voice, or speech patterns.
By simply changing the way you sound…
the way you speak….
you can change your life
Do you realize that your professional success, personal happiness, and fulfillment in life are all directly linked to your ability to communicate effectively?
That’s right – the quality of your communication is directly related to your happiness and fulfillment.
And by communication, I’m not just talking about the words you use.
In fact, vocabulary only counts for about 7% of what people say.
More importantly, your tonality, or the sounds you make while you are speaking counts for more than 38%. When you also match the right physiology (body language & facial expressions), you will be in control of at least 93% of how you are perceived by others.
So what could you do with a better sounding voice?
Could you achieve greater career success?
Could you inspire others through public speaking or on-camera presentations?
Could you, finally put an end to the misconceptions that people have about you?
Years ago, when I first started working with celebrities and motivational speakers, I was contacted by a well-known speaker and MC, who was deeply unhappy with her voice and vocal performance on stage.
She was having trouble with both keeping people’s attention and losing her voice after speaking at multi-day training events. She was desperately in need of proper voice training to solve these issues.
In just a few short sessions, I helped her find her Voice of Confidence and Leadership WITHOUT damaging her voice any further. Today she routinely speaks to massive crowds of people on camera and off, for Tony Robbins, Success Resources, and T.Harv Ekker – some of the top event organizations in the world.
She now coaches and motivates thousands of people around the world, and is responsible for helping others overcome limitations and achieve their goals and dreams. She credits my training with saving her speaking career!
So, If you really want to change or improve your life, the fastest and most effective way is to CHANGE THE WAY YOU SOUND!
Because chances are, if you don’t like the way you sound when you speak, then neither do the people who are listening … or rather NOT listening to you.
The sound of your voice and the WAY you speak… will determine whether people are compelled to listen to you… or not!
So, where do I begin?
Step 1 is analysis: Try playing back your own voicemail message.
Do You Like What You Hear?
Many People Don’t, and Yet That’s the Voice that Everyone is Hearing & Judging You By!
Many people think, “Well, this is the way I sound and I’m just going to have to live with it.”
But nothing could be farther from the truth.
You don’t have to live with a voice you don’t like, a voice that is NOT working for you, a voice that is not getting you the attention you deserve. In fact, changing your voice is not hard to do at all – provided you get taught a few simple tips and techniques.
That’s why I’ve created The Voice of Confidence: Public Speaker Training – an online home-study program that teaches you the vocal secrets used by some of the most famously successful speakers of our time – people like Anthony Robbins, Brendon Burchard, and many other celebrities and influencers.
Now you can learn the techniques that professional speakers use every day on camera and off, right in the comfort of your own home.
You won’t have to sit in traffic, or fly to get to my studio… and you won’t have to try to get a booking with me months in advance or pay my high hourly fee either!
Here is just some of what you’ll learn in this training program:
- How to control the perception of others when you are speaking.
- How to move people with emotion and passion when you speak.
- How to find your authentic voice of confidence for the boardroom, the stage, the office or on-camera.
- How to be mindful, engaging and entertaining every time you speak.
- Develop confidence and vocal impact to achieve the desired results you need whenever you communicate with others!
- How to develop a variety of vocal tones that will help you overcome your fear of public speaking & hold everyone’s attention!
- How to start communicating effectively at work so you hear “YES” more often!
- How unlocking your voice of confidence can help you score the job of your dreams, the raise you want and the respect you deserve.
- And much more!

This is Your Chance to Develop a New Voice That’s Strong, Confident, Compelling!
It doesn’t matter what your ultimate goal is, The Voice of Confidence can help you improve your speaking and communication skills so that you achieve it.
Business Professionals: Learn the same vocal techniques that thousands of wealthy influencers are using to maximize their success and their profits.
Job Seekers: In these troubling financial times, it’s imperative to gain an edge over your competition. That’s exactly what the Voice of Confidence can do. It will teach you how to communicate effectively and excel during your job interview.
Coaches: Develop a voice that’s strong, confident, and convincing. A voice that attracts your ideal client to you and helps ensure they will listen to your guidance and see you as a leader.
Fitness Instructors: Gain the ability to project powerfully across the room during classes and motivate your students with a voice that sounds like a powerful leader: authoritative and inspiring.
Public Speakers: Learn the vocal techniques you need to grab the attention of everyone in your audience and have them right in the palm of your hand.
Singers: Learn correct vocal technique for a contemporary vocal set up, to maximize a rich, powerful sound with no strain or damage to your instrument.
EVERYONE: Develop the vocal mastery you need to approach anyone at any time – with ease, grace and confidence for any situation.
So Why Stay “Stuck in a Rut” at Work or in Your Personal Life?
…when you could gain the vocal skills and confidence to dramatically change your life for the better
Imagine being able to communicate more effectively … imagine being taken more seriously at work, and at home … imagine gaining the respect you deserve… or being seen as interesting and engaging … it’s all possible when you sign up for the Voice Of Confidence Program.
Here’s How it Works:
When you sign up for The Voice of Confidence you gain instant access to my online program materials, which include high quality training videos, audios, workbooks and other quality resources.
Here’s more of what you will learn:
- Breathing and vocal exercises that will quickly help you develop the tones and colours that will make your voice attractive and appealing to others!
- Learn how to analyse your voice and make changes to improve the way you speak!
- How to control your breath so that every word rides on a solid flow of air!
- The 5 building blocks of voice and how to master each one!
- How to vary your volume, pitch, tone and more for specific situations!
- What to do with your hands, posture and other body parts while you speak!
- How to adjust or eliminate regional dialects and foreign accents!
- What to eat, what to drink and what to avoid to support your vocal health!
- How to never lose your voice, ever again!
- Public speaking tips to gain confidence and become a much better speaker!
- How to use your voice to improve your financial and work positions!
- And much more!
What My Clients Are Saying
About This Program:
For over twenty years, I’ve been coaching celebrities from the entertainment industry, motivational and business speakers, aspiring speakers and professional coaches from every background imaginable. Famous or not… if you want to succeed in life and business, voice coaching and public speaker training is the key to your on-going success.
Here is what my students have said about my training:
“When I first heard Elisa Speak, I thought Holy Crap! This is one of the very few women I have heard in my life that is feminine and beautiful, but still strong and confident and just has a beautiful voice that I could listen to for hours. As far as women speakers go, I don’t know anyone who has a voice that is so warm and engaging as well as confident and strong, she really does a phenomenal job.”
“Elisa James is a gem. Lot’s of technique very specific to what I needed to focus on, and lots of heart and understanding that it is all awkward at first and gets better with practice. Let her help you find out what you need to practice.”
“Thank you so much for the great voice training presentation. and I’ve realized how important our voice is in our profession – breathing techniques, projection, resonance, the pitch I just did Tony Robbins ‘Date with Destiny’ for 6 days and was yelling and talking the whole time, but I remembered to implement all you taught about my support muscles and breathing correctly and I was the only one that didn’t lose my voice! Thank you- It works!”
“There are vocal coaches and then there is the precious gem… Elisa James! Elisa brings it on, in abundance, full of empathy, soul and character – she has the unique ability to work her magic through the layers of each of her students, helping them discover their inherent and unique gift.”
“Elisa is a truly fabulous trainer and presenter. Not only is she an expert on the technical side of voice training, but she is also extremely motivating and adapts her teaching style to the learning style of the student. Truly amazing. And then she is also an exceptional performer and brings that rare experience to her teaching.”
Are you Ready to Write (and Speak) Your Own Success Story?
Sign up for the Voice Of Confidence Public Speaker Training Today!
How much would you expect to pay for training that quite literally could change your life by allowing you to sound more confident and competent?
Considering the value of communication in today’s society, I have no doubt that many, many people would be willing to pay thousands of dollars for access to this program.
In fact, my face-to-face VIP clients regularly pay thousands of dollars for my coaching services… but profit was not my first consideration when creating this program.
I wanted to make it available to as many people around the world as possible because I know the huge impact the sound of one’s voice can have on an individual’s success.
So here’s what I’ve done:
By making this program available 100% online, I was able to cut physical production and shipping costs so much that we can now offer the program for just $197.
That’s right, sign up now and you can get this incredible program for just $197. (Normally $297)
In comparison, my private face-to-face lessons that would teach this content would cost many thousands of dollars, if I have any room on my calendar!
This program gives you the opportunity to save thousands of dollars and still learn the same techniques I teach my VIP clients.
With a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee,
You’ve Got Absolutely Nothing to Lose!
I am so sure that you will love The Voice of Confidence Public Speaker Training that I am offering a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply notify me within 30 days and we will make sure you get everything you need to see results FAST!
Extra content? No problem!
Need to ask questions to understand something better? We have your back!
We are not interested in working with time-wasters who are after more Freebies, but ACTION -TAKERS who want results!
All the testimonials you see above are from actual students who have worked with me to gain the confidence and skill they were looking for in voice and public speaking….
After purchase you will be invited to join our private support group, and also our weekly LIVE STREAMED Q & A sessions to answer any questions you may have about voice and public speaking.
We offer full support with this training – so join our group and get practising!
The magic is in the DOING, not the learning.
So get DOING – implement and practice every single day to ensure the success and results you are after!
I can’t wait to see you shine!
Here’s the Bottom Line on This Amazing Program

Whether you want to gain more respect, get a promotion, land a new job, make a bigger impact, or just sound more authoritative and knowledgeable, The Voice of Confidence Public Speaker Training will unlock your full speaking potential and help you accomplish your goals.
Get unstuck at work … attract the love of your life … escape a boring, drab existence … correct people’s misconceptions about you – let the Voice of Confidence Public Speaker Training change your voice and your life!
With this program, there is no time limit. You take the training at your own pace. You can listen to the audios and videos online whenever and wherever you want.
You can even repeat any or all parts of the program as you wish. No matter how long you want to take to complete this program, you’ll end up at the finish line with the lasting reward of a Voice of Confidence!
Best of all, The Voice of Confidence is fun and easy to follow. I pride myself on not just being a qualified and professional vocal coach, but also an experienced veteran entertainer.
To get your own voice of confidence just click on the BUY NOW button below.
To finding your authentic voice of confidence
Elisa James
P.S. If you’ve ever dreamed of being confident and competent on stage, at work, or on-camera…. or of having a group of people on the edge of their seats listening to you, The Voice of Confidence program will infuse your voice with a variety of rich tones that will transform you into a public speaking master who captivates an audience of any size. Remember you will benefit enormously from this program whether you are a native English speaker or an ESL student.
© 2020 elisajames.com, Inc. All rights reserved.